We woke up in the morning early, Dane was not feeling well so he stayed home. Beau is all about his feet now!! He's really tankin up!
We decided to go to the grocery store that is not too far from here. Maybe a 6mn walk. There is a lot of neat stuff in the store. Everything is in Japanese though so it can be hard to tell what is what. Especially the meats! There are dried squid hanging in bags and sushi. Lots of cool Japanese stuff. Me and my friend Lena plan to go find some very Japanese stuff and try cooking it! The groceries here are pretty expensive but the produce is way better than the produce at the commissary. It is a lot of fun to just walk through the store and see all the things you would never see in a grocery store back home.
Beau is all bundled with his tigger. It is really cold outside!
Boss is really good. It is a Hot coffee drink that you can get in the vending machines. Wish we had hot vending machines at home!
Cool signs are all over the place.
This is their fire hydrant... haha. Not really sure how this works!
I love the signs in the parks and on the streets. This is on some playground equipment that you would never see in the states. Because this has got to happen a lot!
These are all over the place in neighborhoods. People put their trash in here and recycles to keep the birds from picking it up and flying away with it. The Sea Hawks are pretty big here. Yes Sea Hawks, not Sea Gulls. Sea Hawks would eat a Sea Gull.
Vending machine. The drinks with blue under them are cold drinks and the drinks with red under them are hot.
Some of the groceries we got. Everything is in cool packaging and is in Japanese. Milk Tea is a new favorite of mine! The two hardest things to find were the jam and hot cocoa so far. We could only tell what they were from the pictures!
This is the play ground thing I posted the sign for earlier. It is just this tube with metal rings all around it and kids crawl through this. Now you see why the sign has a picture of a kid with his head caught in between! Scary!

Home sweet home! ;)
Fun trip! Super cute scarf. Beau is getting so big!
What the heck? haha I wonder how the fire hydrant works too? hmmm.. haha. I wish we had hot drinks in vending machine. Hope Dane is feeling better