Saturday, February 16, 2013

Engrish Prease!

 Coco's curry house, this is probably one of the best restaurants we have been to besides Katsuman. Its probably big enough for 15 people to sit inside.
Coco Ichi is also in the Guinness book of world records which I thought was pretty neat for being the largest curry chain in the world. It has over 1300 outlets 100 of which are overseas. They also own other chains of restaurants such as Pasta de CoCo. You can read about it here if you are interested!
 Beau sits up all by himself at the table, I think he is a little overly ambitious however. He thought he was ready to try and order off the menu and I told him that he might need to wait on that! Its hard enough for us to order!! The language barrier can be interesting at restaurants. The first time we came here we didn't realize that they had English menu's so we were trying to tell them what we wanted by pointing at pictures, after we had given ordering a go the waitress said, "Engrish!" and pointed under the table to a cubby with some menus stashed inside. Everything became much easier once we pulled out the English menu and we knew what we were ordering which is always a plus!
Breaking News, Beau's bottom tooth has broke the surface and is now a sharp little milk tooth! It was a bitter sweet moment when I felt his little tooth through his gums. I immediately was so excited, and then I realized he is becoming less and less of a baby every day. I am really beginning to realize just how precious he was as a newborn and how I need to really savor every stage of his life because these little stages will be gone in a flash!

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