Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Crawling Stage 3: Army Crawl

Beau has been army crawling for a while now, however it has not been at this extent yet. He is getting faster and more efficient. He can crawl from one side of the room to the other and will follow your feet! I am beginning to realize why people said that they didn't want there second and third child to crawl. It is a lot more work, constantly supervising, making sure little things are up off the floor and that he is not trying to chew on the electrical cords with his shark teeth! In this video, I am baiting the baby with an animal book, it is highly effective and if you are ever out fishing for a baby, you might try it! :)
Enjoy this short snipit of our morning!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Baby in the Mirror

 Thought you all might like to see Beau's teeth! They are really coming in now, I can see a bunch more under the gums. He is looking so different everyday.

Beau loves the mirror. 
 Maybe that baby looking back at him is behind the mirror!? Good thing he checked!

 He is pulling himself up on stuff... He wasn't able to stand up all the way but he is getting really close! If I position his legs for him in the right way he can stand up on his own.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playing in the Park

 Yesterday me and Lena decided to go out for a walk in the sun and get some vitamin d. She took me to a cute little hidden park which had grass and almost nobody there. It was a beautiful day. We love that it is gorgeous in February. Beau had lots of fun playing in the dirt!

 Eventually he lost his balance and fell backwards into the grass. What a cutie!
We ended the day with a nice warm bath with dad. Beau loves bath time!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Engrish Prease!

 Coco's curry house, this is probably one of the best restaurants we have been to besides Katsuman. Its probably big enough for 15 people to sit inside.
Coco Ichi is also in the Guinness book of world records which I thought was pretty neat for being the largest curry chain in the world. It has over 1300 outlets 100 of which are overseas. They also own other chains of restaurants such as Pasta de CoCo. You can read about it here if you are interested!
 Beau sits up all by himself at the table, I think he is a little overly ambitious however. He thought he was ready to try and order off the menu and I told him that he might need to wait on that! Its hard enough for us to order!! The language barrier can be interesting at restaurants. The first time we came here we didn't realize that they had English menu's so we were trying to tell them what we wanted by pointing at pictures, after we had given ordering a go the waitress said, "Engrish!" and pointed under the table to a cubby with some menus stashed inside. Everything became much easier once we pulled out the English menu and we knew what we were ordering which is always a plus!
Breaking News, Beau's bottom tooth has broke the surface and is now a sharp little milk tooth! It was a bitter sweet moment when I felt his little tooth through his gums. I immediately was so excited, and then I realized he is becoming less and less of a baby every day. I am really beginning to realize just how precious he was as a newborn and how I need to really savor every stage of his life because these little stages will be gone in a flash!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Crawling Stage 2: Rockstar

Beau is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, it is really fun watching him develop as he gets so much closer to crawling! He also does a lion growl which he shows off in this video! Enjoy!

I do declare!

 Flowers for me!? What a wonderful Valentines day. It is truly a blessing to be married, and to be married to such a wonderful man! This year is extra special since I have 2 valentines! ;) I love my guys!
Dane got a coffee mug from our favorite place so far, and a warmer so he can sip it all day if he wants! ;)

God is good.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Beau is doing great using the toilet!! I love being able to flush #2's instead of trying to wash them in our super tiny washer.

He also is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth! It's like hes getting the momentum he needs to move forward!

Beau is 6 months old today! Feb14th.
His hair is really coming in!

Happy V-Day to everyone!
Love the Gustafsons from Japan! ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Polish it off

 Beau is waiting so patiently for his squash mash up! He loves squash! *Note - I do not replace feeds with mashed up baby food. Beau is nursed before all baby food feeds. Currently, he wants to nurse, eat 2 baby bullets worth of food (and when I mean "eat 2 baby bullets", he can't get them fast enough, and doesn't spit any out!) and nurse again. This happens about twice a day. I decided to start giving him baby food because I did not think it would interfere with his desire to breast feed and it hasn't. This boy can eat!
 Bowl #1 polished off. Beau is just making sure there isn't any left!
 Waiting patiently for baby bullet #2, this time apple!
 All gone! Beau likes to make sure that they are completely gone! He doesn't like to waste any food.

 I forgot to turn this picture. This is the result of all his nursing and eating... one sleepy full baby!
 After a 3 hour nap Beau is bright shining and ready to work out!
 He likes to start out with his seal move.
 Beau is now doing a move called the mountain! Butt and all completely in the air, no knees on the ground.
 Some good ole all fours!
 New news, Beau has his 2 bottom teeth coming in! Big bumps with white teeth right there! I can almost feel the edges! His eyes are still Blue, however I have noticed some days they look dark green like mine... they seem to be changing back and forth a bit. Not sure what they will end up as.
 Beau likes to practice his standing skills too. Not saying any real words yet, but he sure does make a lot of stuff up! He's a talker like his dad. His personality is really coming out! He might look like momma, but he is an adrenaline junkie like dad! High energy! I could definitely see Dane and Beau jumping out of a plane together someday! ;)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Birth - 5 months

 Beau at the hospital, born 6lbs 10oz a month early, Aug 14th 2012, after a 15 hour labor and 1 drop of pitocin.
 Beau is home, and Goblin is in love. Breast feeding was hard to get the hang of, but we did it!
 Dad is in love too!
 Beau came to his own baby shower.
  Premie outfit.
 His first bath
 His first fever. His first hospital visit. His first lumbar puncture, 8  IV's, and more blood draws than mom could handle.
 Beau's second bath ;)
 His 1st photo shoot.
A nap in his boppy.
One of the first smiles caught on camera. 
 His first Dog, and protector.

Tankin up! 
Mom nursing Beau, and Ocho getting in on the action. 
 First Halloween. He's a pumpkin and not happy about it. ;)
 But he loves to bounce
On Dec 1st his cousin was born!

 1st Christmas
Dressed up for his 1st wedding. 
 Tummy time

 Laughs at home, about 2 days before we left for Japan.

 Today about 20lbs. International traveler Beau, 5.5 months old. Its been an adventure! Thank God for 5.5 months, He is good.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Crawling Stage 1 : Failure to Launch

 Beau is in what we call the "Failure to Launch" stage of crawling. In this picture you can see he is up all the way on his elbows and knees. He can hold this position and gets in it by himself. He just isn't too sure what to do from here.
 I get so excited every time he gets in this position! I feel as though in a few weeks his motor skills will be developed enough to start moving forward, wobbly but surely!
 Here is an example of his cognitive development being visibly much greater than just even a few weeks ago. Here, he pushed the toy just out of his reach.
 The first thing he does is push his butt in the air and kick with his feet. This however is unsuccessful.
 He then decides to push up with his front and kick with his feet. This also is unsuccessful but he is getting the idea!! Soon enough, he will have both ends in the air, moving!
 He started to get sad that he wasn't able to reach his toy. So mom sang him a song and he liked that! : )
Maybe he will just skip crawling and go straight to walking! We will see!
To be continued as his motor skills continue to develop! Stay tuned for the next stage!